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About Us

Our Background

Through a variety of philanthropic, social and professional activities, Alpha Gamma Rho, Alpha Lambda inspires its members to adopt important values such as leadership, empathy and ambition, and to always strive for excellence.

Since 1951 members have upheld these values through academic success, philanthropy, character development and solid relationship-building skills. Our members are actively involved in many events throughout the year, allowing them to create lifelong bonds and consistently give back to the community.

About: About Us

Life as an AGR at NMSU

AGR participates in many aspects of Greek and campus life! We encourage you to scroll down and see for yourself.


Intermural Sports

As an AGR, you can participate in intermural sports against other fraternities in our own Greek league! We participate in sports such as dodge ball, flag football, basketball, volleyball, and so much more.


Community Service

Alpha Gamma Rho regularly participates in community service events hosted by NMSU, community organizations, and our own philanthropy events.



We participate in homecoming by teaming up with a fraternity and sorority to build a float and choreograph a dance. We then march along the parade competing with other student organizations to see who has the best float and dance routine.



We regularly participate in workshops that enhance our professional skill sets. Some workshops have included resume building, financial handling, risk management and many more.


Greek Week

A week in the spring semester that holds our annual Greek Olympics ,community service events, and our long held tradition of painting the "A" on A-Mountain.


Pink Rose

Pink Rose is our formal end of the year celebration where alumnae come from across the state/country to celebrate the chapter's and brother's individual achievements.



Socials allow us to meet other Greek members of fraternities and sororities by planning fun social gatherings with our fellow Greek organizations.



As a fraternity united by brotherhood, you can count on having fun and meaningful events that strengthen our brotherhood!



Alpha Gamma Rho provides the opportunity to travel across the country to events like national convention, recruitment school, and other national-held events. Brothers also often enjoy traveling on school breaks such as winter and summer vacations.

About: Services

Want to Learn More?

Fill out our interest form to be contacted by one of our members

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